- Overviews/Calls to Action
- Philosophical Underpinnings
- Value Sensitive Design
- Human Subjects & Professional Codes of Conduct
- SciComm — Communicating with the Public
- Social Media and Human Subjects
- Bias — Types; How it Emerges
- Bias — Addressing Bias; Algorithmic Fairness
- Abusive Language
- Best Practices/Wrap-up
1. Overviews/Calls to Action
- Hovy, D., & Spruit, S. L. (2016). The social impact of natural language processing. In Proceedings of the 54th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics (volume 2: Short papers) (pp. 591-598). Berlin, Germany: Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Amblard, M. (2016). Pour un TAL responsable. Traitement Automatique des Langues, 57 (2), 21-45.
- Ceglowski, M. (2016, June 26). The Moral Economy of Tech. SASE 2016.
- Crawford, K., & Calo, R. (2016). There is a blind spot in AI research. Nature, 538 (7625), 311.
- Escartín, C. P., W. Reijers, T. Lynn, J. Moorkens, A. Way, and C.-H. Liu, 2017: Ethical Considerations in NLP Shared Tasks. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Ethics in Natural Language Processing.
- Executive Office of the President National Science and Technology Council Committee on Technology. (2016). Preparing for the future of artificial intelligence.
- Fort, K., Adda, G., & Cohen, K. B. (2016). Ethique et traitement automatique des langues et de la parole : entre truismes et tabous. Traitement Automatique des Langues, 57 (2), 7-19.
- Lefeuvre-Halftermeyer, A., Govaere, V., Antoine, J.-Y., Allegre, W., Pouplin, S., Departe, J.-P., et al. (2016). Typologie des risques pour une analyse éthique de l’impact des technologies du TAL. Traitement Automatique des Langues, 57 (2), 47-71.
- Leidner, Jochen L and Plachouras, Vassilis. 2017. Ethical by Design: Ethics Best Practices for Natural Language Processing. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Ethics in Natural Language Processing, pages 8–18, Valencia, Spain, April.
- Markham, A. (May 18, 2016). OKCupid data release fiasco: It’s time to rethink ethics education. Data & Society: Points.
- O’Neil, C. (2016). Weapons of math destruction: How big data increases inequality and threatens democracy. NY: Crown Publishing Group.
- Rogaway, P. (2015). The moral character of cryptographic work.
- Shneiderman, B. (2016). Opinion: The dangers of faulty, biased, or malicious algorithms requires independent oversight. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113 (48), 13538-13540.
- Sourour, B. (Nov 13, 2016). The code I’m still ashamed of. Medium.com.
2. Philosophical Underpinnings
- Bartky, S. L. (2002). “Sympathy and solidarity” and other essays (Vol. 32). Rowman & Littlefield.
- Bryson, J. J. (2015). Artificial intelligence and pro-social behaviour. In C. Misselhorn (Ed.), Collective agency and cooperation in natural and artificial systems: Explanation, implementation and simulation (pp. 281-306). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Butler, J. (2005). Giving an account of oneself. Oxford University Press. (UW Library Link) [Canvas PDF]
- DeLaTorre, M. A. (2013). Ethics: A liberative approach. Fortress Press. (UW Library Link; read intro + chapter of choice)
- Edgar, S. L. (2003). Morality and machines: Perspectives on computer ethics. Jones & Bartlett Learning. (UW libraries) [Canvas PDF]
- Fieser, J., & Dowden, B. (Eds.). (2016). Internet encyclopedia of philosophy: Entries on Ethics
- Liamputtong, P. (2006). Researching the vulnerable: A guide to sensitive research methods. Sage. (Available online, through UW libraries)
- Moor, J.H. (1985). What is computer ethics? Metaphilosophy, 16:266–275, October.
- Quinn, M. J. (2014). Ethics for the information age. Pearson.
- Zalta, E. N. (Ed.). (2016). The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy (Winter 2016 Edition ed.): Entries on Ethics
3. Value Sensitive Design
- Choose Two:
- Borning, A., & Muller, M. (2012). Next steps for value sensitive design. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 1125-1134).
- Dunne, A., & Raby, F. (2019, January 23). Critical Design FAQ. Retrieved January 23, 2019.
- Friedman, B. (1996). Value-sensitive design. ACM Interactions, 3 (6), 17-23.
- Friedman, B., & Hendry, D. (To appear). Value Sensitive Design: a twenty-year synthesis and retrospective. In Foundations and trends in human computer interaction.
- Friedman, B., & Nathan, L. (2010). Multi-lifespan Information System Design (pp. 2243–2246). Presented at the 28th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Atlanta, GA.
- Friedman, B., Hendry, D. G., & Borning, A. (2017). A Survey of Value Sensitive Design Methods. Foundations and Trends® in Human–Computer Interaction, 11(2), 63–125. http://doi.org/10.1561/1100000015
- Friedman, B., & Kahn Jr., P. H. (2008). Human values, ethics, and design. In J. A. Jacko & A. Sears (Eds.), The human-computer interaction handbook (Revised second ed., pp. 1241-1266). Mahwah, NJ.
- Nathan, L., Friedman, B., Klasnja, P., Kane, S. K., & Miller, J. K. (2008). Envisioning Systemic Effects on Persons and Society Throughout Interactive System Design (pp. 1–10). Presented at the 7th ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, New York, NY.
- Nathan, L. P., Klasnja, P. V., & Friedman, B. (2007). Value scenarios: a technique for envisioning systemic effects of new technologies. In CHI’07 extended abstracts on human factors in computing systems (pp. 2585-2590).
4. Accountability: Institutional Codes of Conduct
- Daumé III, H. (Dec 12, 2016). Should the NLP and ML Communities have a Code of Ethics? (Blog post, accessed 12/30/16)
- Data For Democracy. (2019, January 15). Community Principles on Ethical Data Practices. Retrieved January 15, 2019.
- Human Subjects:
- Perlman, D. (2004, May 24). Ethics In Clincal Research A History Of Human Subject Protections And Practical Implementation Of Ethical Standards. SoCRA SOURCE, 37–41.
- Within NLP:
- Fort, K., & Couillault, A. (2016). Yes, we care! results of the ethics and natural language processing surveys. In Proceedings of the tenth international conference on language resources and evaluation (LREC 2016). Paris, France: European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
- Leidner, Jochen L and Plachouras, Vassilis. 2017. Ethical by Design: Ethics Best Practices for Natural Language Processing. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Ethics in Natural Language Processing, pages 8–18, Valencia, Spain, April.
- Schmalz, A. (2018). On the Utility of Lay Summaries and AI Safety Disclosures: Toward Robust, Open Research Oversight. Presented at the Ethics in NLP, New Orleans, LA.
- Professional CoE/CoC
- ACM Ethics Task Force. (2016). Code 2018 | ACM ethics. (Web page, accessed 1/5/17)
- The IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems. (2016). Ethically aligned design: A vision for prioritizing human wellbeing with artificial intelligence and autonomous systems (AI/AS) (Version 1 — For Public Discussion).
- Etlinger, S., & Groopman, J. (2015). The trust imperative: A framework for ethical data use.
- Markham, A., & Buchanan, E. A. (2012). Ethical Decision-Making and Internet Research: Recommendations from the AoIR Ethics Working Committee.
5. SciComm: Communicating with the Public
- Burns, T. W., O’Connor, D. J., & Stocklmayer, S. M. (2016). Science Communication: A Contemporary Definition. Public Understanding of Science, 12(2), 183–202. http://doi.org/10.1177/09636625030122004
- Phillips, C., & Beddoes, K. (2013). Really Changing the Conversation: The Deficit Model and Public Understanding of Engineering.
- Fischhoff, B. (2013). The sciences of science communication. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(Supplement 3), 14033–14039. http://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1213273110
- Di Bari, M., & Gouthier, D. (2002). Tropes, science and communication. Journal of Science Communication, 2(1).
- Mooney, C. (2010). Do Scientists Understand the Public? American Academy of Arts Sciences.
- Ngumbi, E. (2018, January 26). If You Want to Explain Your Science to the Public, Here’s Some Advice. Scientific American.
- Shepherd, M. (2016, November 22). 9 Tips For Communicating Science To People Who Are Not Scientists. Forbes, pp. 1–4.
- Simis, M. J., Madden, H., Cacciatore, M. A., & Yeo, S. K. (2016). The lure of rationality: Why does the deficit model persist in science communication?:. Public Understanding of Science, 25(4), 400–414. http://doi.org/10.1177/0963662516629749
6. Social Media and Human Subjects
- Metcalf, J., & Crawford, K. (2016). Where are Human Subjects in Big Data Research? The Emerging Ethics Divide. Big Data and Society.
- Townsend, L., & Wallace, C. (2015). Social Media Research: A Guide to Ethics.
- Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., & Sloan, L. (2017). Towards an Ethical Framework for Publishing Twitter Data in Social Research: Taking into Account Users’ Views, Online Context and Algorithmic Estimation:. Sociology, 51(6), 1149–1168. http://doi.org/10.1177/0038038517708140
- Woodfield, K. (2018). The Ethics of Online Research. (K. Woodfield, Ed.) (1st ed., pp. 1–268). Emerald Publishing. [link to copy on canvas] [link to proquest page via UW library]
- Particularly, Chapters:
- 2: Users’ Views of Ethics in Social Media Research: Informed Consent, Anonymity, and Harm
- 5: Informed Consent in Qualitative Social Media Research
- 7: Ethical Challenges of Publishing and Sharing Social Media Research Data
- 8: The Ethics of Using Social Media Data in Research: A New Framework
7. Bias — How it Emerges; Treating Language as Ground Truth
- Language Data as Ground Truth
- Bolukbasi, T., Chang, K., Zou, J. Y., Saligrama, V., & Kalai, A. (2016). Man is to computer programmer as woman is to homemaker? Debiasing word embeddings. CoRR, abs/1607.06520.
- Caliskan-Islam, A., Bryson, J., & Narayanan, A. (2016). A story of discrimination and unfairness. (Talk presented at HotPETS 2016)
- Daumé III, H. (2016). Language bias and black sheep. (Blog post, accessed 12/29/16)
- Herbelot, A., Redecker, E. von, & Müller, J. (2012, April). Distributional techniques for philosophical enquiry. In Proceedings of the 6th workshop on language technology for cultural heritage, social sciences, and humanities (pp. 45-54). Avignon, France: Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Schmidt, B. (2015). Rejecting the gender binary: A vector-space operation. (Blog post, accessed 12/29/16)
- Gendering Chatbots
- Fessler, Leah. (Feb 22, 2017). SIRI, DEFINE PATRIARCHY: We tested bots like Siri and Alexa to see who would stand up to sexual harassment. Quartz.
- Fung, P. (Dec 3, 2015). Can robots slay sexism? World Economic Forum.
- Mott, N. (Jun 8, 2016). Why you should think twice before spilling your guts to a chatbot. Passcode.
- Paolino, J. (Jan 4, 2017). Google home vs Alexa: Two simple user experience design gestures that delighted a female user. Medium.
- Seaman Cook, J. (Apr 8, 2016). From Siri to sexbots: Female AI reinforces a toxic desire for passive, agreeable and easily dominated women. Salon.
- Twitter. (Apr 7, 2016). Automation rules and best practices. (Web page, accessed 12/29/16)
- Yao, M. (n.d.). Can bots manipulate public opinion? (Web page, accessed 12/29/16)
8. Bias — How to Address Exclusion/Representation/Discrimination/Bias
- Angwin, J., & Larson, J. (Dec 30, 2016). Bias in criminal risk scores is mathematically inevitable, researchers say. ProPublica.
- Boyd, D. (2015). What world are we building? (Everett C Parker Lecture. Washington, DC, October 20)
- Crawford, K. (2017), The Trouble with Bias. NIPS 2017. [youtube video]
- Brennan, M. (2015). Can computers be racist? big data, inequality, and discrimination. (online; Ford Foundation)
- Chouldechova, A., & GSell, M. (2017). Fairer and more accurate, but for whom? Presented at the Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Machine Learning.
- Clark, J. (Jun 23, 2016). Artificial intelligence has a `sea of dudes’ problem. Bloomberg Technology.
- Crawford, K. (Apr 1, 2013). The hidden biases in big data. Harvard Business Review.
- Daumé III, H. (Nov 8, 2016). Bias in ML, and teaching AI. (Blog post, accessed 1/17/17)
- Emspak, J. (Dec 29, 2016). How a machine learns prejudice: Artificial intelligence picks up bias from human creators–not from hard, cold logic. Scientific American.
- Friedman, B., & Nissenbaum, H. (1996). Bias in computer systems. ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), 14(3), 330-347.
- Guynn, J. (Jun 10, 2016). `Three black teenagers’ Google search sparks outrage. USA Today.
- Hardt, M. (Sep 26, 2014). How big data is unfair: Understanding sources of unfairness in data driven decision making. Medium.
- Koolen, C., and A. van Cranenburgh, 2017: These are not the Stereotypes You are Looking For: Bias and Fairness in Authorial Gender Attribution. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Ethics in Natural Language Processing.
- Jacob. (May 8, 2016). Deep learning racial bias: The avenue Q theory of ubiquitous racism. Medium.
- Larson, B. N., 2017: Gender as a variable in natural-language processing: Ethical considerations. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Ethics in Natural Language Processing, Valencia, Spain, 30–40.
- Larson, J., Angwin, J., & Parris Jr., T. (Oct 19, 2016). Breaking the black box: How machines learn to be racist. ProPublica.
- Morrison, L. (Jan 9, 2017). Speech analysis could now land you a promotion. BBC capital.
- Rao, D. (n.d.). Fairness in machine learning. (slides)
- Sweeney, L. (May 1, 2013). Discrimination in online ad delivery. Communications of the ACM, 56 (5), 44-54.
- Tatman, R., 2017: Gender and Dialect Bias in YouTube’s Automatic Captions. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Ethics in Natural Language Processing.
- Wang, Y., & Kosinski, M. (2018). Deep neural networks are more accurate than humans at detecting sexual orientation from facial images. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114(2), 246–257. http://doi.org/10.1037/pspa0000098
- Responses:
- Hirschman, D. (2017, September 10). artificial intelligence discovers gayface. sigh. Retrieved March 30, 2018.
- Cohen, P. N. (2017, September 11). On artificially intelligent gaydar. Retrieved March 30, 2018.
- Responses:
- Wijeratne, S., Balasuriya, L., Doran, D., & Sheth, A. (2016). Word Embeddings to Enhance Twitter Gang Member Profile Identification. Presented at the IJCAI Workshop on Semantic Machine Learning.
- Yao, S., & Huang, B. (2017). New Fairness Metrics for Recommendation that Embrace Differences. Presented at the Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Machine Learning.
- Zliobaite, I. (2015). On the relation between accuracy and fairness in binary classification. CoRR, abs/1505.05723.
9. Abusive Language
- Clarke, I., & Grieve, J. (2017). Dimensions of Abusive Language on Twitter. Presented at the First Workshop on Abusive Language Online. Retrieved from https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4xDAGbwZJjQSlJzQWZscjhsa0E/view?usp=embed_facebook
- Dixon, L., Li, J., Sorensen, J., Thain, N., & Vasserman, L. (2017). Measuring and mitigating unintended bias in text classification. Presented at the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.
- Gambäck, B., & Sikdar, U. K. (2017). Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Classify Hate-Speech. Presented at the Proceedings of the First Workshop on Abusive Language Online.
- Kennedy, G., McCollough, A., Dixon, E., Bastidas, A., Ryan, J., Loo, C., & Sahay, S. (2017). Technology Solutions to Combat Online Harassment. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Abusive Language Online, 73–77. http://doi.org/10.18653/v1/W17-3011
- Napoles, C., Pappu, A., & Tetreault, J. (2017). Automatically Identifying Good Conversations Online (Yes, They Do Exist!). Icwsm.
- Ross, B., Rist, M., Carbonell, G., Cabrera, B., Kurowsky, N., & Wojatzki, M. (2017, January 27). Measuring the Reliability of Hate Speech Annotations: The Case of the European Refugee Crisis. http://doi.org/10.17185/duepublico/42132
- Samghabadi, N. S., Maharjan, S., Sprague, A., Diaz-Sprague, R., & Solorio, T. (2017). Detecting Nastiness in Social Media. Presented at the First Workshop on Abusive Language Online, Vancouver, Canada.
- Sap, M., Card, D., Gabriel, S., Choi, Y., Smith, Noah. (2019) The Risk of Racial Bias in Hate Speech Detection. Presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Florence, Italy.
- Waseem, Z., & Hovy, D. (2016). Hateful Symbols or Hateful People? Predictive Features for Hate Speech Detection on Twitter (pp. 88–93). Presented at the Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2016, San Diego, California.
10. Best Practices
Other Topics:
- Abadi, M., Chu, A., Goodfellow, I., Brendan McMahan, H., Mironov, I., Talwar, K., et al. (2016). Deep Learning with Differential Privacy. ArXiv e-prints.
- Amazon.com. 2017. Memorandum of Law in Support of Amazon’s Motion to Quash Search Warrant
- Brant, T. (Dec 27, 2016). Amazon Alexa data wanted in murder investigation. PC Mag.
- Friedman, B., Kahn Jr, P. H., Hagman, J., Severson, R. L., & Gill, B. (2006). The watcher and the watched: Social judgments about privacy in a public place. Human-Computer Interaction, 21(2), 235-272.
- Golbeck, J., & Mauriello, M. L. (2016). User perception of facebook app data access: A comparison of methods and privacy concerns. Future Internet, 8(2), 9.
- Narayanan, A., & Shmatikov, V. (2010). Myths and fallacies of “personally identifiable information”. Communications of the ACM, 53 (6), 24-26.
- Nissenbaum, H. (2009). Privacy in context: Technology, policy, and the integrity of social life. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
- Solove, D. J. (2007). ‘I’ve got nothing to hide’ and other misunderstandings of privacy. San Diego Law Review, 44 (4), 745-772.
- Steel, E., & Angwin, J. (Aug 4, 2010). On the Web’s cutting edge, anonymity in name only. The Wall Street Journal.
- Tene, O., & Polonetsky, J. (2012). Big data for all: Privacy and user control in the age of analytics. Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property, 11(45), 239-273.
- Vitak, J., Shilton, K., & Ashktorab, Z. (2016). Beyond the Belmont principles: Ethical challenges, practices, and beliefs in the online data research community. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM conference on computer-supported cooperative work & social computing (pp. 941-953).
NLP Apps Addressing Ethical Issues
- Fokkens, A. (2016). Reading between the lines. (Slides presented at Language Analysis Portal Launch event, University of Oslo, Sept 2016)
- Gershgorn, D. (Feb 27, 2017). NOT THERE YET: Alphabet’s hate-fighting AI doesn’t understand hate yet. Quartz.
- Google.com. (2017). The women missing from the silver screen and the technology used to find them. Blog post, accessed March 1, 2017.
- Greenberg, A. (2016). Inside Google’s Internet Justice League and Its AI-Powered War on Trolls. Wired.
- Kellion, L. (Mar 1, 2017) Facebook artificial intelligence spots suicidal users. BBC News.
- Munger, K. (2016). Tweetment effects on the tweeted: Experimentally reducing racist harassment. Political Behavior, 1-21.
- Munger, K. (Nov 17, 2016). This researcher programmed bots to fight racism on twitter. It worked. Washington Post.
- Murgia, M. (Feb 23, 2017). Google launches robo-tool to flag hate speech online. Financial Times.
- The times is partnering with jigsaw to expand comment capabilities. (Sep 20, 2016). The New York Times.
- Fake News Challenge
- Jigsaw Challenges
- Perspective (from Jigsaw)
- But see: Hosseini, H, S. Kannan, B. Zhang and R. Poovendran. 2017. Deceiving Google’s Perspective API Built for Detecting Toxic Comments. ArXiv.
- Textio See also:
- CEO Kieran Snyder’s posts on medium.com
- Recording of Kieran Snyder’s NLP Meetup talk from Aug 15, 2016
- Bederson, B. B., & Quinn, A. J. (2011). Web workers unite! Addressing challenges of online laborers. In CHI’11 extended abstracts on human factors in computing systems (pp. 97-106).
- Callison-Burch, C. (2016). Crowd workers. (Slides from Crowdsoucing and Human Computation, accessed online 12/30/16)
- Callison-Burch, C. (2016). Ethics of crowdsourcing. (Slides from Crowdsoucing and Human Computation, accessed online 12/30/16)
- Fort, K., Adda, G., & Cohen, K. B. (2011). Amazon mechanical turk: Gold mine or coal mine? Computational Linguistics, 37 (2), 413-420.
- Snyder, J. (2010). Exploitation and sweatshop labor: Perspectives and issues. Business Ethics Quarterly, 20 (2), 187-213.
- Cohen, K. B., Pestian, J., & Fort, K. (2015). Annotateurs volontaires investis et éthique de l’annotation de lettres de suicidés. In ETeRNAL (ethique et traitement automatique des langues).
- Gillespie, T. (2014). The relevance of algorithms. In T. Gillespie, P. J. Boczkowski, & K. A. Foot (Eds.), Media technologies: Essays on communication, materiality, and society (pp. 167-194). MIT Press.
- Hardt, M., Price, E., & Srebro, N. (2016). Equality of opportunity in supervised learning. (Accessed online, 12/30/16)
- Kleinberg, J. M., Mullainathan, S., & Raghavan, M. (2016). Inherent trade-offs in the fair determination of risk scores. CoRR, abs/1609.05807.
- Metcalf, J., Keller, E. F., & boyd, d. (2016). Perspectives on big data, ethics, and society. (Accessed 12/30/16)
- Meyer, M. N. (2015). Two cheers for corporate experimentation: The A/B illusion and the virtues of data-driven innovation. Colo. Tech. L.J., 13, 273.
- Wallach, H. (Dec 19, 2014). Big data, machine learning, and the social sciences: Fairness, accountability, and transparency. Medium.
- Wattenberg, M., Viégas, F., & Hardt, M. (Oct 7, 2016). Attacking discrimination with smarter machine learning.
Other Best Practices
- Amodei, D., Olah, C., Steinhardt, J., Christiano, P., Schulman, J., & Mané, D. (2016). Concrete problems in AI safety. CoRR, abs/1606.06565.
- Markham, A. (2012). Fabrication as ethical practice: Qualitative inquiry in ambiguous Internet contexts. Information, Communication & Society, 15(3), 334-353.
- Ratto, M. (2011). Critical making: Conceptual and material studies in technology and social life. The Information Society, 27 (4), 252-260.
- Russell, S., Dewey, D., & Tegmark, M. (2015). Research priorities for robust and benefcial artifcial intelligence. AI Magainze.
- Shilton, K., & Anderson, S. (2016). Blended, not bossy: Ethics roles, responsibilities and expertise in design. Interacting with Computers.
- Shilton, K., & Sayles, S. (2016). “We aren’t all going to be on the same page about ethics”: Ethical practices and challenges in research on digital and social media. In 2016 49th Hawaii international conference on system sciences (HICSS) (pp. 1909-1918).
- Ethics in Natural Language Processing (2017) (2018)
- Workshops on Abusive Language Online (2017) (2018)
- 3rd International Workshop on AI, Ethics and Society 4th or 5th February 2017 San Francisco, USA
- PDDM16 The 1st IEEE ICDM International Workshop on Privacy and Discrimination in Data Mining December 12, 2016 – Barcelona
- Machine Learning and the Law NIPS Symposium 8 December, 2016 Barcelona, Spain
- AAAI Fall Symposium on Privacy and Language Technologies, November 2016
- Workshop on Data and Algorithmic Transparency (DAT’16) November 19, 2016, New York University Law School
- WSDM 2016 Workshop on the Ethics of Online Experimentation, February 22, 2016 San Francisco, California
- ETHI-CA2 2016: ETHics In Corpus Collection, Annotation and Application LREC 2016, Protoroz, Slovenia.
- Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Machine Learning, 2014, 2015, 2016
- ETeRNAL – Ethique et TRaitemeNt Automatique des Langues June 22, 2015, Caen
- Éthique et Traitement Automatique des Langues, Journée d’étude de l’ATALA Paris, France, November 2014
Other lists of resources
- Critical Algorithm Stuides
- FATML resources page
- The Responsible Conduct of Computational Modeling and Research NSF funded project
Other courses
- A Course on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency in Machine Learning (Suresh Venkatasubramanian)
- Ethics for the Information Age (Michael Quinn)
- Another list of courses from Thomast Morgan Jr. at ETSU
- The Dark Side of NLP: Gefahren automatischer Sprachverarbeitung (Michael Strube)